Home » Dr. Melissa Walker

Dr. Melissa Walker

OB/GYN, Sinai Health System
Assistant Professor, University of Toronto

Dr. Melissa Walker is a general obstetrician gynecologist at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. She co-founded the early Perineal Clinic at Mount Sinai Hospital, to improve care for patients who sustain higher order perineal tears at vaginal birth. Her clinical and research interest focus on quality improvement in general obstetrics, particularly in perineal trauma, assisted vaginal birth, colposcopy and iron-deficiency anemia in pregnancy. She did her undergraduate degree in Medical Science and subsequently obtained a Masters of Science in Physiology from Western University. She completed both her undergraduate medical education and residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Toronto, and a Master of Science in Healthcare Quality from Queens University. 

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